Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Small Accomplishments

Just write something... that's what I told myself this morning. I think when I started, I thought running would be the hardest part. I was sorely mistaken. I couldn't have imagined how quickly my body would adjust to running. I have tried running on a regular basis in the past and I have always hated it, but this time is different. It's only been about three weeks and I have found myself settling into a nice rhythm.

Now writing (I'm am choosing to avoid the word blogging because it creeps me out a little) is a totally different story! As you can see, this is only my second post in three weeks. I'm not sure why it's so difficult but I hope to improve. I'm already doing better than the 1st time I attempted writing online. I went to Paris in 2008 for my anniversary and told everyone I would blog (blehk!) about my trip. I had one great post the first day and never did it again! So, let's consider today's post a success.

Here are a few Rock n' Roll 1/2 Marathon Milestones:
1. I registered for the RACE!!! Yea! ($115, Boo!)
2. I am now running 2 miles with relative ease

On Friday, I will be running 3 miles! I am a little nervous but confident at the same time. I'd love your prayers and encouragement. If you'd like to join me our Team San Diego as we RUN WITH COMPASSION click here to learn more about our team and the race.

Thanks for reading, and thanks for caring.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Things I love...

There are a lot of things I love in life, but there are always a few things that take a little extra effort... and patience... and prayer... and maybe a glass of wine. Today, I am committing to two things that take A LOT of extra effort (for me): running and blogging.

I'll start with running. I'm sure most of you will think this isn't a big deal. Practically everybody, everywhere runs, especially in Southern California where I happen to live. Well, not me. Unless my dog is getting in the trash, or a bear is chasing me, or I'm about to miss my train, I typically loathe running. It just feels like blatant and obvious exercise, which I am completely against. And you don't beat anyone. You don't win anything (when you run like me you don't!), so what's the point?

And blogging. Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of great friends that blog and I totally don't judge them for it. It's just not really for me. I think there are a few of reasons for this:
  1. I love to write, but I am way to critical of myself. I'll spend hours re-wording, and stewing over my horrible grammar/punctuation.
  2. I am NOT a great typer... typist...whatever. I never really learned to type correctly, so I kind of just do what feels right. Confession: I once had a friend take a typing test for me to get a job. The really sad part is that the requirement was only 40 wpm!!
  3. Blogging could be seen as personal reflection which kind of clashes with my "live in the now" nature.
So why subject myself to all this running and blogging? Trust me, there is a good reason. After careful consideration, I have decided to run the San Diego Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon in June to support Compassion International and I am asking you to support me. I am asking friends to join me on this journey to learn, grow and give:
  • Learn more about Compassion International and the great work they do for children living in poverty.
  • Grow by flexing some new muscles (physically and mentally).
  • Give to support a wonderful organization. I am asking all my supporters for give $20 and tell at least one person why they did it. Click Here to give or go to team.compassion.com/goto/cassidyroach
Okay, I'm off on my first run. Thank you for taking some time to invest in me and Compassion. Please check back in as often as you can and share this story with a friend.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Walk Like a Parisian

Our first full day in Paris has been a complete success! We started our day with chocolate croissants at the square near our flat and then it was off for some sight-seeing.

e took bus line 69 into the heart of Paris and walked to Sainte-Chapelle. King Louis IX built Sainte-Chapelle between 1242 and 1248 to house the relics of the Passion of Christ, namely the Crown of Thorns. Sainte-Chapelle is relatively small but as you enter the second story you are surrounded by beautiful stained glass windows telling the stories of various books of the bible. It was breath taking!

After Sainte-Chapelle we stopped at a cafe for some coffee and a panini. My teeny espresso was delish!

Warming up in the cafe was just the boost we needed before tackling Notre Dame.

For 5 Euros we took the guided audio tour and it was more than worth it! Below are a few pictures form the treasury of Notre Dame.

This piece was designed to display the Crown of Thorns.

After Notre Dame we walked to meet up with Francisco and Stephanie, ECC missionaries working in Paris.
(Fancy French dresses)

On our way to their flat we passed through the Jardin du Luxembourg.

We had a great chat with Francisco and Stephanie over coffee and dessert. They have a great ministry working with local artists in Paris

On our way home we took our first metro ride through Paris. Fortunately, we did not get lost or miss any of our stops.

Click here to follow our day walking through the streets of Paris. Lots of walking!

So that brings us to the end of our first day in Paris. A bientot!